AVANCÉE law and commercial arbitration company was established in Jeddah, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and is registered according to the regulations and laws in the Register of professional companies, and seeks to target the financial and commercial sectors to become one of the largest unique non-traditional law firms; to benefit from the experiences and expertise of developed countries, and attract those with academic and practical qualifications


For almost a year, our team has been discussing the paths and opportunities that create a differentiation from traditional law firms that do not meet the needs and support of businessmen and medium and large business entities to take over their legal protection from the risk of financial, business and civil disputes according to a strategy that includes direct supervision of the preparatory stages before making administrative decisions affecting their capital and reviewing legal actions and their suitability with the vision, goals and aspirations of their owners.

  • Accordingly, we sought to integrate the existing expertise in our team and established a network of consulting alliances to provide unparalleled special services in the kingdom of Saudi Arabia, but it is also present in other countries such as Britain, America, France, Egypt, Tunisia and Lebanon, and is characterized by its popularity in the United Kingdom for its great benefit and positive impact on businessmen, managers and chief executives because of the risks and legal liability to third parties, owners and owners of wealth under the slogan partners of success.
  • In the UK, there are legal offices specializing in measuring the level of security and financial credit, and there are also specialized offices to help officials make decisions at a lower risk to enhance their confidence and to practice their business according to the law without fear.
  • Since the Saudi labor market is in dire need of these services, which save them the effort and enormous financial expenses wasted in the prosecution and litigation procedures, it was decided to work on a risk management policy such as avoidance, transfer, reduction and acceptance) and as we have seen from business owners who have benefited from these services with welcome, acceptance and endless demand for them, we have established two units in our company called (Investigation Unit) and(risk management unit) in addition to other legal services.

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Founding partner



Administrative specialist

Adeeb, Douha
Legal Specialist

Legal Specialist

HAZAZI, Abdullah
Legal Specialist

alzahrani, razan
Legal Specialist

fadul, ahmed
Legal Specialist